located only 9 miles from our office. The McCullough Peaks area is best known for its herd of wild horses, the members of which are believed to be descended from horses released from Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show over a century ago.
The McCullough Peak Badlands are a desolate but starkly beautiful area of wilderness in the Big Horn Basin near Cody, WY. Wild and unearthly landscapes are common. This area is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including deer, antelope, fox, a herd of wild horses, bald and golden eagles, sage grouse, merlins, and prairie falcons. The badlands are easily recognized by the distinctive red soil that makes up the area. The area is rich in fossils, thus making it an important site for paleontological study, and there are countless prehistoric and historic sites throughout the badlands, many of which are still undiscovered and uncatalogued. Perfect For a Half Day Adventure!